[dot]COM: A Codify Open Mic Night

[dot]COM, or [dot]Codify Open Mic, welcomes members of our community to share their talents at 440 Studios in the East Village! The first half of the night will be scheduled programming featuring dance, music, and poetry, after which we'll open it up to interested performers. 

Get excited for this very excellent lineup, and click through the links for a what-to-expect on May 31 in the room where it happens:

Whitney C. White — Music (Indie)

Odera Igbokwe — Dance

MJ Batson — Music (Indie)

Jeffrey Velez — Music (Jazz)

Jess X. Chen — Spoken Word

Marcus Bedinger — Music

Yaya McKoy — Spoken Word

Paco Salas Pérez — Poetry Reading

When and Where
May 31, 2016, 7-9PM
440 Studios
440 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10003
$10 Suggested Donation

See you there!